Bust a Move / by Courtney Mehlhaff

I recently spent an evening with a friend whose sister just got engaged, and our conversation naturally turned to his own wedding several years ago.  I recalled how great their reception was, especially the small band they'd hired to play at the dance.  It consisted of a couple excellent dudes on instruments and a very talented and enthusiastic woman on vocals.

At one point that evening, one of my best friends from childhood sidled up next to me and asked me what I thought of the music.

Noticing how animated the voluptuous lead singer was becoming in her beautiful but low-cut outfit, I replied, "They're fantastic!  But I'm honestly a little worried that if she bounces around any more, she's going to come right out of that dress."

He shot me a sly glance and a smile.  "Then let's hope they continue to play songs that are up-tempo."